Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's the Story?

*We will work on these questions in school. Please do not comment from home this week. However, you may make additional comments or respond to a classmate's comment from home.

Squirrels and Bears- Solve the story problem below. Then explain how you knew whether to add or subtract.

The Falcons scored one touchdown for 7 points. Then they got another touchtown for 7 more points. How many points do the Falcons have all together?

Owls- Describe a real life situation when you would need to add or subtract. For example, I was expecting 20 people at my party, but 3 called to say they couldn't come. I had to subtract to figure out that only 17 people would be coming to my party...20-3=17.


  1. The falcons have 17 points now.-J.Y.

  2. Aks I had 20 sillybands and. I gave away10. how many are left

  3. The falcons have 14 points now.-L.L.

  4. J.Y., Are you sure the Falcons have 17 points?

    AKS, Your silly band story is a time in real life when you needed to do subtraction?

    G.P., G.C., and L.L., You three got the correct answer, but you haven't explained how you knew you needed to add. What were the key words in the story problem?

    -Mrs. McMahan

  5. The key word was another

  6. I invid 1 persin to my pratty but that persin coed not coam to my pratty.



  7. jack ate more than tommy because 1\2 is bigger
