Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tell Us About Your Break!

I hope you all had a very nice Winter Break!  I am happy to see you again for the start of a new year.  Write a few sentences telling us all what you did over your break.  Where did you go?  What did you see?  Did you make something?  What games did you play?


  1. I watch t.v. and played on the cumpoter.Then I read two books.I ate dinner and lunch I also ate bearecfeast.


  2. I went to charlestin a piret was with us he told us about pirets and we saw the sea.We also ate dilishes ice cream.Also my cosens came over.we had lots of fun!
    My cosens names are alex andre neli and samuil.I relly had alot of fun!


  3. For winter break I went to Peachtree park prep for a few days. I went on field trips like catch air and saw Victoria and my freind Michal.
    I also went to the movie tintin.


  4. I played sky landers whit Johes.I woct firewoks.wg

  5. I went to California to see my cousins.

  6. Well at ferst my gerama came to vizit us for chrismis.The sekint thing I did befor chrismis we went to the buke stor to times.The therd thing that I did befor chrismis was having alot uf play dats.MEB

  7. I went to india gate.Over there there is a sacaret fire.then i went to my cosins house.I HADE A LOT OF FUN! V.B.

  8. I gote a new pupy form my mom and dad I love it.I got a new lego sate from santa and I loveit.I had peple over for chrismis.
    I went to the moll to tell santaciaues what I

  9. My favrite things I got for Christmas were a nentindo 3DS and a yellow air hogs sharp shooter that shoots red missiles. ER

  10. I had a good break.Did you?I went to the pool!!

  11. At my break I went to 2 parties in one of them I played dogheball boys vs girls and the girls won.But I didn't care because it was just a game.


  12. I had a blast!!!
    !!I had a sleep over for 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s.h

  13. This Winter Break I did a project on gears ,learned about the sun gear , the ring gear and did 4 experements.-J.Y

  14. over winter break i went sking and built a hary potter lego set with my brother.

  15. my grandparts came and it was alot of fun.I had my birthday at grand slam we played all cines of fun.


  16. I went to the mall.I got a toy car.I went home and played a shrowd game.


  17. I got a puppy and my grandparents came to are house my mom and dad got an i-pad my sister got dora babies so she aks licke she ii there mom its so wierd

  18. I went to Florida.over ther i went to the beach and i went to Disney. I also went to Epcot and Unavursal. My freind came with me.My freind and me were in the same hotel room.We had lots of fun together.m.m

  19. I played wii with my brother

  20. I went fishing and I caught a fish and it'syummy l.l

  21. On winter break I had playdate at Peter's houes. It was a blast! We got vanilla ice cream and played wii. e.b.c 4

  22. When it was Winter break I had a playdate in my house.With Evan and my baby sitter.It was a blast!We played WII,Monopoly and my baby sitter throow me on my couch. P.G.

  23. For winter break I went on feild trips like catch air and saw victoria I also went to the cooler to ice skate my Sister helped me a little bit on the first monday of winter break
    we went to stars and strikes and I got 95 points I got a strike and a spare
