Monday, October 31, 2011

Owls- Addition Strategies

1.  Use the problem 15 + 7 to explain (in words) how to use the "make a ten" strategy. 

2.  Explain another way or another strategy that you could use to solve the same problem.


  1. It is a pet brghaf and the most popelr is dogs

  2. 15+7= then you turn the 7 in to a 10.Next you do 15+10=25.

  3. Turn the seven into a twelve and Turn the fivteen into a ten. e.b.c

  4. Turn the seven in to a ten and turn the fifthteen in to a tolve. Then do tolve plues seven and that ecoles twontiytwo.


  5. You guys are on the right track, but here is a way to explain it:
    Using the "make a ten" strategy, I would turn the 7 into a 10, by adding 3. Then I can easily solve 15+10 to equal 25. I know, though, that I have to now take away the 3 that I added when I made the 10. So, 25-3 = 22. Now I know that 15+7=22.

    You all still need to go back and tell me another strategy you could use to solve the same problem. Use your notes to help you!

    -Mrs. McMahan

  6. You take the 7 and take 3 away from the 15 and the 7 will be a 10 so 10+12=22.

  7. 17+5= now you change the 17 to twenty and do 20+5=25 and then subtract 3 from 20 and you get 22.
