Monday, April 30, 2012

Make the Number

How can you make the number 14?  Think of a few different ways.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rhyme Time!

Create a rhyming poem using some of this week's spelling words.  We are working on the long a sound!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Squirrels- Buy It!

The store has this really awesome desert animal book that you want to buy!  It costs $2.30. 
Your mom says you can get it if you can show her two different ways to buy it.  So, write which bills and coins you would use to buy the book.  Then write a different way to pay for it!

Bears- Buy It!

Mrs. McMahan gave 3 students money to buy ice cream for their birthdays.  She only had a 5 dollar bill though.  If each ice cream cost $0.75, how much will all 3 ice creams cost?  Is $5.00 enough to buy them all?  Will there be change?  If so, how much?

Owls- Plave Value Extension

When we first did our place value unit, we learned place value through the hundreds and we talked a little about the thousands. However, a number can get much bigger than just the thousands place. Use the place value chart below to answer the following questions about the number 63,591,024.

             6 3, 5 9 1, 0 2 4

1.  What digit is in the thousands place?
2.  In which place is the 3?
3.  Write this number in expanded form.
4.  Write this number in word form.

When you have posted your answer answer to #1-4, click these links for some place value games!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Write About Your Spring Break

Welcome back to school!  I know many of you went on some exciting vacations over Spring Break.  Some of you got to visit family and play with friends.  Please leave a comment telling your classmates and me about your break.  Give details and be sure to include your favorite part!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Owls- Describe the Polygons!

This picture contains 24 polygons.  You need to pick 10 to describe.  When describing each one, you can tell its name, what type of angles it has, whether it is regular or irregular, what you know about its sides and vertices, and anything else you'd like to say about the shape.  Make sure you are clear in your descriptions and if you don't get to all 10 shapes the first day, go ahead and post what you have and make a new comment to finish later in the week.

Squirrels and Bears- Tell Me What You Know About Money!

This week starts our last math unit-money!  Tell me what you already know about money.  For example, do you know the names of all the coins and their values?  Do you know how to make a dollar?  Write as much as you already know!
Also, explain a time when you have used money to buy something.  What did you get?  How much did it cost?  What money did you pay for it with?