Monday, April 9, 2012

Write About Your Spring Break

Welcome back to school!  I know many of you went on some exciting vacations over Spring Break.  Some of you got to visit family and play with friends.  Please leave a comment telling your classmates and me about your break.  Give details and be sure to include your favorite part!


  1. i was working in the gorodge because it is brokin and we are also trying to get ready for the dogs to move in.i also played with my friend Makel his grandpa is my nabore and Makel lives in the same naborhood so he comes over to Kevens house.Kevin is my nabore.


  2. I went to a howtel and slpte there. And went to my friend's weding. And just sade home.


  3. For spring break... I went to play tennis every day. I also went to my grandparents house in Augasta and read. Finally in Augasta I went to Adventure Crossings.

  4. well this spring break i went to st.simons and i went shopping with my mom it was alsome

  5. In spring break I played wiffleball wit my brother carter. that night I got invited to my next door nabers house to swim with my family.
    I did not go swiming beacause it was a school night.


  6. On Spring break I went to Newtown park and played tennis with my dad. When we were playing I got a little fustrated at hitting the ball. Then we went to the playground. When we got there I saw one of my freind playing soccer. Next I asked if I could play he said yes.So I played soccer with him intil I went home. P.G.

  7. On spring break I stayed home.But at home I played games at Friday and at weakdays I finished my hole math book.So since I fineshed my hole math book I got to play games at Friday and go to my freinds house.And I left home at 9:00.THE END VC

  8. My spring break was.Kids R Kids for 4 days.Thean for 1 day I went to the moives with out Jackson but with my mom.S.H

  9. I was doing homework at home with my brother.


  10. I went to GLOW GALAXY!!! and I went to another place. I went to Staples and my sister got a binder. Her freind Hanna came and we swam. We had an easter egg hunt at my house and I got 24/64 and my cousin harper had some eggs and she jumped into the pool 2 times the second time the eggs cracked open and the candy fell out into the pool her dad got the candy out and handed it to my sister Chloe. Harpers sister Kira found the golden egg then we stoped and swam again. I am happy to share my spring break with you!!!!! W.K

  11. For spring break me and my whole famliy went to watersound in mississippi. First we went to the high hazerd area with big waves. I went 2 yards in the water! Then a huge wave hit my face and it felt good because the water is cold. Affter that we dug a hole that was about 16 feet deep in the sand and found tons of water! Then we went to are house and it was so pretty and cool and we had a good time! the end. E.B.C
